Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Profile of Mr. P. Jebaraj - Sasi

Profile of Mr. P. Jebaraj - he is ministering among the University Students from 1976 after his Master’s in English Literature. 

Initially he was with IEHC’s University Ministry Department and joined with UESI – Union of Evangelical Students of India from May 1979. 

He has done his B.D. from Serampore University as an external student. He has played different roles in UESI, as a Field Staff, Administrative Secretary, Evangelism Secretary, Training Secretary, Secretary for 2 Departments – “Church Relations” and “Christian Ethics & Social Concerns”, Zonal Secretary for South India,  Zonal Secretary for East India,  General Secretary and NEGF Secretary. As family they were in Orissa for 5 years. 

 P.Jebaraj is gifted in writing in English and Tamil and his articles appear in ‘Light of Life’ and ‘Tharisana Sudar’ often. 

He is a member of CSI St. Mark's Church, Selyur, Chennai 73 and a Lay Preacher of CSI Chennai Diocese from1978. 

 Mrs. Sasi Jebaraj a accepted Christ during her college days. She is involved in counseling students, especially those from other faiths. 

She has done her Diploma in Pharmacy and M.A. in English Literature. She was ministering to students of MMC – Madras Medical College regularly. She is also a Prayer Warrior of ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry, helping in theer Tower. 

After the riots against Christians in Kandhamal, Orissa, she has visited Kandhamal 5 times, helping in the Trauma Counseling of MUT – Missionaries Upholders Trust and visiting the villages, meeting the victims personally as she is fluent in Oriya language. 

She was NEGF Secretary and then Staff to develop graduates ministry in East India.

P Jebaraj and Sasi Jebaraj retired from UESI and ministers to Churches,  students and graduates groups .

Jebarajes are blessed with 3 daughters. All of them know the Lord and as families are involved in the ministry in various 



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