Tuesday, June 15, 2010

கலாச்சார மோகம்

கலாச்சார மோகம் "ஹேய் மச்சி" "வாடி கண்ணு" என்ற வார்த்தைகள் கல்லூரி வளாகங்களில் சென்னை முதல் குமரி வரை வழங்கும். பள்ளிப் படிப்பு வரை பெட்டி பாம்பாக இருந்த குக்கிராம மாணவனும் கல்லூரி வந்ததும் உருத்தெரியாமல் மாறி விடுகிறான். எப்படி? அவன் கல்லூரியில் கண்ட கலாச்சாரத்தைபின் பற்றுவதாலேயே. கலாச்சாரம் மாறிக்கொண்டே இருக்கும் ஒன்று. மாறும் கலாச்சாரத்தை நாம் கண்டுகொள்ளாமல் இருக்கக்கூடாது.பல நேரங்களில் மேற்கத்திய கலாச்சாரத்தை நாம் கிறித்தவ பண்புகளோடு குழப்புகிறோம். எனவே தான் குடிப்பதும் நடனமாடுவதும் தான் கிறித்துவம் என பிறர் எண்ணுகிறார்கள். அல்லது முதல் நூற்றாண்டு யூத கலாச்சாரங்களை அவற்றின் பின்னணி தெரியாமல் பின்பற்ற, பிறர் மேல் திணிக்க முயலுகிறோம். இதனால் தான் பல சபைகளில், ஐக்கியங்களில் குழப்பங்கள். வேத போதனைகளை அவற்றின் கலாச்சார, சரித்திர பின்னணியுடன் படித்து நாம் பின்பற்றவும் போதிக்கவும் வேண்டும். ஆண் பெண் உறவுகளை எடுத்துக்கொள்வோம். இதில் தமிழரின் பாரம்பரிய கலாச்சாரம் போற்றத்தக்கது. ஆண் பெண் உறவு நெருப்பும் பஞ்சும் போன்றது என்பார்கள். ஆனால் காலப்போக்கில் இவை மாறி விட்டது. நல்ல எண்ணத்தோடு நட்பு கொள்வதில் தப்பில்லை. ஆனால், மேலை நாடுகளில் போல் உறவுகள் கொள்வதால் குடும்ப உறவுகளே பாதிக்கப்படுகிறது. இதுவரை இல்லாத விதத்தில் விவாக ரத்துகள் பெருகிவருகிறது.
பொருளாதார நிலையிலும் மேலை நாடுகளின் கலாச்சாரம் நம்மை பாதிக்கிறது. உணவு பொருட்களை வீணாக்குவது இந்தியரால் சகிக்க முடியாத ஒன்று. ஆனால் மேலை நாடுகளில் இது சாதாரணம். பண பெருக்கத்தினால், நம் நாட்டிலும் உணவை வீணாக்குவதை பெருமை ஆக நினைக்கும் கலாச்சாரம் பெருகி வருகிறது. உலகின் ஒரு பக்கம் மக்கள் உணவு இல்லாமல் செத்துக்கொண்டு இருக்கும் போது, உணவை வீணாக்குவது தண்டிக்கப்பட வேண்டிய குற்றமாகும். தகாத சில பழக்கங்களை புது கலாச்சாரம் என நினைப்பது அறிவல்ல. உதரணத்துக்கு, குடி பழக்கத்தை எடுத்துக்கொள்வோம். சில மேலை நாடுகளில் குளிர் அதிகம். அங்கு கொஞ்சம் குடிப்பது அவர்களின் பழக்கம். ஆனால் இப்போது குடிப்பது எனபது சாதாரணமாக எல்லோரும் பழகி விட்ட ஒன்று ஆகிவிட்டது. கல்லூரிகளிலும் கார்பரேட்களிலும் வீக் என்ட் பார்ட்டிகள் புகைக்க, குடிக்க பலரை ஏவுகிறது. தகாத உறவுகளும் இங்கு உருவாகிறது. இதனால் அநேகரின் குடும்பங்களும் உடல்நிலையும் சீர் குலைந்து வருகிறது. நம்மை சுற்றி மாறிவரும் கலாச்சாரத்தை எல்லாம் நாம் பின் பற்ற வேண்டும் என்று கட்டாயம் கிடையாது. ஆனால் அவைகளை எல்லாம் நாம் எதிர்க்க வேண்டும் என்றும் கிடையாது. வேத போதனைக்கு எதிரான கலாச்சாரத்தை நாம் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளாமல் இருக்க வேண்டும். அவைகளின் தீமை பற்றி நாம் சமுதாயத்துக்கு உணர்த்த வேண்டும்.

ரத்தம் என்றால் இளக்காரமா?

ரத்தம் என்றால் இளக்காரமா? வழக்கம் போல வாயில் வந்தது, "ஆண்டவரே இன்றும் உம்முடைய ரத்தத்தால் என்னை சுத்திகரியும்." ஜெபித்து முடிக்கும் முன்பு ஆண்டவர் கேட்டார், "ரத்தம் சும்மா வருமா? ரத்தம் பாட்டிலில் அடைத்து வைத்து இருக்கிறதா? ரத்தம் அவ்வளவு மலிவானதா? காயம் பட்டால் தான் ரத்தம் வரும். ரத்தத்தோடு, வலியும் வரும். "நீ ஒவ்வொரு தடவை பாவம் செய்யும் போதும், என் ரத்தத்தால் கழுவ கேட்கும் போது அது என் இதயத்தில் காயத்தையும், என் மனதில் வலியையும் உண்டாக்குகிறது. " ஆண்டவரின் இந்த விளக்கம் எனக்கு புதிதாக இருந்தது. நான் தவறி, மன்னிப்பு கேட்கும் ஒவ்வொரு முறையும் ஆண்டவர் எத்தனை வேதனைப்படுகிறார்! அவர் மன்னிக்கிறார், உண்மை தான். ஆனால், அது அவருக்கு எவ்வளவு வேதனை கொடுக்கிறது! ஆண்டவரே, உம்மை வேதனைப்படுத்தாமல் வாழ உதவும்.

"முகமூடியா? கண்ணாடியா?"

சிந்தனைக்குச் சிலவரிகள்.... "முகமூடியா? கண்ணாடியா?" காலையில் எழுந்தததும் கண்ணாடியில் என்னைப் பார்த்து, நான் நானாக இருப்பதை நினைத்து படைத்தவரைத் துதிக்கிறேனா ? நான் ஏன் நானாக இருக்கிறேன்,இன்னும் கொஞ்சம் கலராக, சற்று உயரமாக இருந்திருந்தால் நல்லாயிருக்குமே என மனம் வெதும்புகிறேனா? கண்ணாடி முன் கால் கடுக்க நின்று கண்ட கண்ட கிரீமையும் கிலோக்கணக்கில் தடவி என் இயல் தோற்றத்தை மறைக்கிறேனா?பெற்றவரிடம் ஒரு முகம், நண்பரிடம் மற்றொன்று, தனிமையில் வேறொன்று, என்று ஒரு நாளில் பல பல முகமூடிகளை அணிகிறேனா? ஞாயிறு ஆலயத்தில் பக்தி வேஷம், மற்ற ஆறு நாளும் வீட்டிலும் வெளியிலும் துவேஷம் எனபது தான் என் சாட்சியா? என் உண்மையான நிலைமைக்கும் நான் கொடுக்கும் தோற்றத்துக்கும் இடைவெளி எவ்வளவு? உள்நிலைக்கும் தோற்றத்துக்கும் இடைவெளி பெரிதானால் என் மனநிலையே பாதிக்கப்படுமே! உள்ளும் புறம்பும் ஒரே நிலை எனபது இறைவன் விரும்பும் நிலையல்லவா? "வந்து பாருங்கள்" என அழைத்த கிறிஸ்துவின் வாழ்வு கண்ணாடி போன்றதல்லோ? கிறிஸ்துவின் பலத்தால் என் வாழ்வும் ஊடுருவும் கண்ணாடியாய் சாட்சியுடன் ஜொலிக்கட்டுமே! 'ஜெசி', சென்னை

வேதத்தில் சில வேஷங்கள்!

வேதத்தில் சில வேஷங்கள்! (இந்த நிகழ்சிகள் வரும் வேத பகுதிகளை நீங்களாகவே கண்டு பிடியுங்கள். முடியாவிட்டால், கீழே கொடுக்கப்பட்டுள்ள பகுதிகளை எடுத்து வாசியுங்கள்) 1 .பழத்தோட்டத்தில் பாம்பு வேஷம் போட்டுத்தானே முதல் பெண்ணை சாத்தானும் கெடவைத்தானே 2 . அண்ணனின் வேஷத்தோடு பேசிமெழுகி யாக்கோபும் சுதந்தரித்தான் ஆசிகளை 3 . வேசியாய் வேஷம் போட்டு தாமாரும் மாமனுக்குப் பெற்றெடுத்தாள் இருகுமாரர் 4 . எகிப்தியனாய் வேஷம் போட்ட யோசேப்பும் வேஷம் கலைத்திட்டான் பாசத்துடன் 5 . ஆசிர்வதிப்பதாய் போட்ட வேஷத்தாலே பிலேயாம் பெருகச்செய்தான் வேசித்தனம் 6 . தூரத்தாராய் வேஷம் போட்ட கிபியோனியர் உயிருக்காய் ஏமாற்றி அடிமையானார் 7 . நல்லவள்போல் பால் தந்தாள் கிண்ணியிலே நெற்றியிலே யாகேல் அடித்தால் ஆணியினை 8 . நேசிப்பதாக நடித்திட்ட பெண்களாலே இழந்திட்டான் சிம்சோனும் கண்களையே 9 . பயித்தியமாய் வேஷம் போட்ட தாவீதும் உயிர் தப்பி ஓடினானே துதிகளுடன் 10 . வேஷமாறி சாமுவேலை எழுப்பியுமே சாபத்தை சவுலுமே தளுவினானே உலகத்தின் வேஷத்தை விடுவதாலே மறுரூபம் ஆவோமே கிறிஸ்துவாலே - ரோமர் 12 : 1 ,2 1 . ஆதி. 3 :1 ; 2 . ஆதி. 27 : 19 ; 3 . ஆதி. 38 :14 ; 4 . ஆதி 42 : 23 ;45 : 1 ; 5 . எண். 25 : 1 ; வெளி 2 : 14 ; 6 . யோசுவா 9 ; 7 . நியா 5 : 25 , 26 ; 8 . நியா 14 :16 ; 16 : 15 , 21 ; 9 . 1 சாமுவேல் 21 : 13 -15 ; சங்கீதம் 34 :1 ; 10 . 1 சாமுவேல் 28 : 8 , 19 .- Show quoted text -
-- "For our Gospel came to you not only with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with much assurance. You know what manner of people we were among you when we were among you." - 1 Thes. 1:5

“Just a Puff!” “Just a Sip!” “Just a Prick!”

“Just a Puff!” “Just a Sip!” “Just a Prick!”
Theses are familiar words heard in the college campuses, especially at the beginning of the academic year. During ragging, these words echo often.
“Just a puff!” – that is how smoking is introduced to the “fresher”! Curiosity is a cause for many students to try that “first puff”. Some have seen perhaps his father smoking at home. They have marveled at some young men smoke in ‘rings style’ in public (thanks to the present rule, it is on the decrease in public). The hero smoking at the climax scene comes to their mind. Or compulsion by seniors can be a cause for few. The free offer of the first cigarette can be a bite for some. “Try to be equal with the guys, dee” can pull some girls to try that. Of course, the first puff may not be a thrill or a smooth one. You cough; have an ugly nauseating feeling etc. But, it does not end with the “First puff”. It goes on and on and the guy or the girl soon engulfs in smoke.
“Just a sip” sounds very friendly and inviting. “Bottles” and “sachets” have their free move in the campuses. When you feel lonely, home sick and depressed by being in the hostel for the first time, that friend comes and offers that drink. You just want to try only one sip. The Tamil proverb says, “kalavum katru mara” – You learn even robbery and then forget it. So, you just want to try that one sip. It is not that good as you expected. It burns your throat and you do not cherish that odd smell. Yet, you go on for the next sip. Soon it becomes “a quarter at least a day”. Parties become non charming without the bottles around.
“Just a prick” – you shudder at those words at first. You quickly react, “Drugs? No, not for me. That is deadly. “. But, your friend is a cool guy. He smiles at you and says, “Be a man, da. This will take you to skies. You will be flying high, away from all your worries!” That tempts you to stretch your hand for that first prick. It pains a little. But, soon, soon … you are “there”! You like that feeling of “take off”. Once you come back to reality, you like to go again in that “trip”.
Smoking, drinking and drugs are common evil habits which the students get introduced during the first few weeks of the college life (if they have missed it during the school days!). It starts as fun or part of the ragging ordeal. Soon it becomes part of the person. Just at that time each day, your body craves for “it”. You are not able to live without it. Initial offers came freely – your friend buying for you that cigarette, drink or drug. Soon all the free offers get over. By this time you come to a condition where you can not live without it.
The money meant for books and fees become the prey. When that is over, you go to the extreme of “borrow, beg or steal” culture. By any means, you need that stuff at that time. So, you borrow or beg from known friends and even from unknown guys. When that list of lenders get over, that purse in the friend’s table attracts you. First you think, “No. Me stealing? Never!” But, when that time approaches and you do not have money for that “stuff”, you break all your values. Money from the room mates disappears often and that feeds you with that “stuff”!

Attending classes become meaningless soon. You want to go to the “heights” often. Even if you sit in the class, nothing seems to go in to your head. Your mind is only thinking about the next session due for your “flight”. Once you were bright in your studies. Now, slowly you bunk the classes and even the exams because you have not studied anything. The list of arrears keeps growing. When your dad enquires about studies you shout at him. You look at him only as that T shirt says,
”My dad is my ATM!”
All this leads to drop out from college and a purposeless life. It is not at all easy for any one who has gone thus far to become normal again. All his own efforts will end in defeat and depression. Even when some one tries sincerely to get away from these dangerous habits, the withdrawal symptoms are very bad and so, many times they prefer to go back. But, there is hope in one guy from that little village. Yes, it is that young man who did his carpenter trade - “Jesus”. His name means,”He shall save His people from their sins”.
What ever is the condition – a chain smoker, sold out drunkard, drug addict – if the person comes to Christ Jesus with an open mind, He will deliver the person from these clutches and help the person to come back to a normal and healthy life. There are thousands of testimonies for this fact. “If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed”. Let us take pain to relate to these students in the campuses and bring them to the fold of Christ with patience and love.

P.Jebaraj is UESI Staff based in Chennai as Training Secretary
and South India Zonal Secretary.

“Just a click away!”….
“A Look, A Nook, A Book, A Click can become a Hook for you from the devil!”
‘A Look’
The first look is not avoidable. But, you have to be careful about that second look. Your neck turns back. You slow down your vehicle. You try to have a glimpse in that rear mirror! Then you look straight at that person. That becomes your trap. As eye is the entry point, that look takes you to a deeper level of temptation. That is why Jesus Christ says,
“’Don’t go to bed with another’s spouse’. But, don’t think that you’ve preserved your virtue simply by staying out of bed. Your heart can be corrupted by lust even quicker than your body. Those leering looks you think nobody notices – they also corrupt.” – Mt. 5:27, 28(The Message).
The righteous man Job declares,” I made a solemn pact with myself never to undress a girl with my eyes” – Job 31:1 (T M )
‘A Nook’
Our UESI Office is next to a theatre in Millers Road. Many cyclists come in wrong way, even though it is ‘One Way’. When they come near the theatre, automatically their neck and eyes turn to see the film posters, neglecting the danger of the speeding vehicles that come opposite. The wise man instructs repeatedly to avid the wrong places that can lead us to sin – Proverbs 1:15; 2:15-20; 4:14, 15, 26, 27; 5:8. Instead of going to the known places of temptation and get caught, it is better to avid such situations altogether.
‘A Book’
We have all kinds of materials available in hard and soft copies. When we want to spend some free time, which are the books and magazines we choose? With what we feed our mind has its impact in our every day life. We have to avoid all the ‘junk’ stuff to fill our minds.
‘A Click’
24 x 7 you have all kinds of channels in the TV. ‘Mega Serials’ are on the increase. The www – World Wide Web has enough stuff to improve your knowledge or dump you in to hell fire. It all depends on the click of the remote or the mouse in your hand. Are we careful to choose the stuff we look in the TV and internet?

“A Look, A Nook, A Book, A Click can become a Hook for you from the devil!” Yes, the devil will be luring you in to his hook by all these means. As a remedy for temptations, Psalmist has a way. Few verses from Psalm 1 look attractive in the words of Eugene Peterson:
“How well God must like you – you don’t hang out at Sin Saloon,
you don’t slink along Dead – End Road,
you don’t go to Smart Mouth College.
Instead you thrill to God’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. ….
God charts the road you take. The road they take is Skid Row”.

P.Jebaraj is UESI Staff based in Chennai as Training Secretary
and South India Zonal Secretary.

Kalangina Campuses – Kalakkalama?

Kalangina Campuses – Kalakkalama?

God has called us to minister to the students in the campuses. Many times we tend to be judgmental when we look at the students in their outward forms or their habits. But, we have to realize the huge ice berg below their outward look which has made them as they are now.

“Just a puff!” “Just a sip!” “Just a prick!” “Just a click!” “Just a pick!”

These are familiar words heard in the college campuses, especially at the beginning of the academic year. During ragging, these words echo often.

“Just a puff” – that is how smoking is introduced to the “fresher”! Curiosity is a cause for many students to try that “first puff”. Some have seen perhaps his father smoking at home. They have marveled at some young men smoke in style in public (thanks to the present rule, it is on the decrease in public). The hero smoking at the climax scene comes to their mind. Or compulsion by seniors can be a cause for few. The free offer of the first cigarette can be a bite for some. “Try to be equal with the guys, dee” can pull some girls to try that. Of course, the first puff may not be a thrill or a smooth one. You cough; have an ugly nauseating feeling etc. But, it does not end with the “First puff”. It goes on and on and the guy or the girl soon engulfs in smoke.

“Just a sip” sounds very friendly and inviting. “Bottles” and “sachets” have their free move in the campuses. When you feel lonely, home sick and depressed by being in the hostel for the first time, that friend comes and offers that drink. You just want to try only one sip. The Tamil proverb says, “Kalavum katru mara” – You learn even robbery and then forget it. So, you just want to try that one sip. It is not that good as you expected. It burns your throat and you do not cherish that odd smell. Yet, you go on for the next sip. Soon it becomes “a quarter at least a day”. Parties become non charming without the bottles around.

“Just a prick” – you shudder at those words at first. You quickly react, “Drugs? No, not for me. That is deadly. “. But, your friend is a cool guy. He smiles at you and says, “Be a man, da. This will take you to skies. You will be flying high, away from all your worries!” That makes you to stretch your hand for that first prick. It pains a little. But, soon, soon you are “there”! You like that feeling of “take off”. Once you come back to reality, you like to go again in that “trip”.

“Just a click” – www is called World Wide Web! Like a spider web, it attracts and ensnares minds with all kinds of ugly shows. Inter Net is a very good tool with a world of good materials. But it also has a chunk of porn stuff that engulfs young and old. Lap tops in the campuses and cheap browsing centers come handy for the students.

Smoking, drinking, drugs and pornography are common evil habits which the students get introduced during the first few weeks of the college life (if they have missed it during the school days!). It starts as fun or part of the ragging ordeal. Soon it becomes part of the person. Just at that time each day, your body craves for “it”. You are not able to live without it. Initial offers came freely – your friend buying for you that cigarette, drink or drug. Soon all the free offers get over. By this time you come to a condition where you can not live without it.

“Just a pick! “
The money meant for books and fees become the prey. When that is over, you go to the extreme or “borrow, beg or steal” culture. By any means, you need that stuff at that time. So, you borrow or beg from known friends and even from unknown guys. When that list of lenders get over, that purse in the friend’s table attracts you. “Just pick it man, nobody is around” - a voice suggests to you.
First you think, “No. Me stealing? Never!” But, when that time approaches and you do not have money for that “stuff”, you break all your values. Money from the room mates disappears often and that feeds you with that “stuff”!
Attending classes become meaningless soon. You want to go to the “heights” often. Even if you sit in the class, nothing seems to go in to your head. Your mind is only thinking about the next session due for your “flight”. Once you were bright in your studies. Now, slowly you bunk the classes and even the exams because you have not studied anything. The list of arrears keeps growing. When your dad enquires about studies you shout at him. You look at him only as that T shirt says,
”My dad is my ATM!”
All this leads to drop out from college and a purposeless life. It is not at all easy for any one who has gone thus far to become normal again. All his own efforts will end in defeat and depression. Even when some one tries sincerely to get away from these dangerous habits, the withdrawal symptoms are very bad and so, many times they prefer to go back. But, there is hope in one guy from that little village. Yes, it is that young man who did his carpenter trade - “Jesus”. His name means,” He shall save His people from their sins”.
What ever is the condition – a chain smoker, sold out drunkard, drug addict, and porn addict – if the person comes to Christ Jesus with an open mind, He will deliver the person from these clutches and help the person to come back to a normal and healthy life. There are thousands of testimonies for this fact. “If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed”. Let us take pain to relate to these students in the campuses and bring them to the fold of Christ with patience and love.
We have to befriend such students and lead them to deliverance from these bondages. Instead of judging and condemning them, we have to give a concerned listening and loving care. We have to pray for these dear ones to be delivered from the bondages of the evil one. John 4:4 says, “The One who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world”. Lord has raised you and me to go and win these students with the love of Christ. Another academic year is dawning. Shall we mend our nets and go where the fish is available for a ‘big catch’ for Christ?

P.Jebaraj is UESI Staff based in Chennai as Training Secretary
and South India Zonal Secretary.

Looking Back?

Looking Back?
Please read Luke 9:57 - 62

Every child of God is called to be a Witness for Christ, in spite of his job and location. Bro. Zac Poonan tells in his book, "Finding God's Will", if the Lord has called you for full time ministry and you are doing secular service, you are missing God's will. Similarly, when the Lord wants you to be a witness in a secular service or business in the society, you are missing God's will if you are found in the full time ministry. God's plan for each individual is important - whether it is full time ministry or doing some other service and getting involved in God's ministry in various capacities.

The Lord's plan for some is to go for "full time ministry". When the Lord reveals His will to the individuals, they have to respond positively. But the Lord will not force His will on us. "There is nothing that is compulsory in God's Kingdom". The choice is given. With obedience comes the promised blessings and with each wilful disobedience comes the problems. To mention a few choices the Lord gives us:
“Choose you this day whom you will serve” – Joshua 24:15
“If any man opens the door ..." Rev.3: 20
"If any man likes to follow me ..." Luke 9:23

When the Lord calls some one for full time ministry, that person has the liberty to obey or not. Many times, after getting the call of God clearly, we try to bend it to suit our own situations. We search for comfortable, calculated and spiritualised excuses. I like to share few real events here:

1. "After burying my father..." – Luke 9:59 The Lord has used Late Mr. Victor Manoharam, YFC Director as a blessing to thousands around the world. When he was called for God's ministry, he said, 'Lord, my father is very sick. He may die soon. After his death, I will come for your ministry'. But, the Lord's voice was very clear to Mr. Manoharam and he came for ministry. After that, his father was alive for 18 years! If he has waited, all his powerful ministry years would have gone rusted. Obeying the voice of God is better than looking at the situations.

2. "Failed B.A." – Exodus 3:10 As an enthusiastic 2nd B.A. student and an active committee member of Virudhunagar EU, P.Jebaraj was very sure that the Lord has called him for His ministry. But, there were practical problems. He was the only son to his poor parents who struggled hard to educate him. It was natural for them to expect him to earn after his graduation. But, he was so sure that he has to go for ministry. So, in his innocence he prayed that if he fails in his B.A., it would be easier for him to get permission from his parents to go for ministry. But, thank God, the Lord enabled Jebaraj to pass his M.A. and then come for His ministry. His friend Sam C. Samuel, Director, IEHC commented to him,
“The Lord wants not only failed B.A.s, but also passed M.A.s for His ministry".

3. "Five year Plans" - As Jebaraj’s parents spent a lot for his studies, they had some financial commitments. So, he was telling God that he would go for secular service for 5 years, earn, help his parents and then go for ministry. During that time, he attended a FMPB Conference. A missionary lady, during her testimony, said, "Like our Government, there are people who are having "Five Year Plans" to go out for ministry". It was like a hammer hit on his head from the Lord. Jebaraj said, “Lord, I will come now". Later, when he was sharing this with Bro. Prakash Yesuadian, he commented," Thambi, many people with full time calling who went like that in to secular service for short period never came for ministry after that."

4. "Loosing the VRS Benefits?" - While working as a Professor, Mr. Asir felt the call of God's ministry. He had 18 years of service. Just 2 more years and he will be eligible to get the VRS benefits. That sounds good and sensible. But, the Lord spoke to him and his wife forcefully. They prayed and as a family decided that Asir will resign his job and come for ministry. Many people, including nice children of God, called his move as unwise. But, the Lord is taking care of them and uses him in the ministry. There is nothing wrong in planning to avail the legitimate and eligible benefits. But, more important is the time you can invest to build God's Kingdom “- 2 Kings 5:27.” The Master Who employs you will take care of you."

5. "Job Security?" - Rajesh was comfortably employed with the Indian Railways, posted at Delhi. As an EGF member, he was active with local EU ministry. The Lord called Rajesh for full time ministry. He said, 'Lord, I am in Central Government confirmed job which is a secured one. How can I leave this and come for ministry where things are very uncertain?’ On 31 October 1984, he was travelling to his office. His bus that has to go through Sabdurjung Road was diverted by another road. The reason was, Mrs. Indira Gandhi whose house was in that road was shot dead. In that DTC bus, the Lord spoke to Rajesh," The Prime Minister of this country has no security in her own home from her own security guards. Do you trust this Government more than Me? ". Rajesh resigned his job and happily came for the ministry.

Are you sure of God's calling for His ministry? Step out in faith. The Lord will take care of you and will use you as a channel to bless the nations.

PJebaraj is the UESI South India Zonal Secretary based at Chennai. pjebarajuesi@hotmail.com



“SILENCE PLEASE” and “Talk Less, Work More” are common sign boards we see.

Word is Power. It is by the Words of God that the whole world was created- Gen 1:3,6,9,11,14,20,24,26. God communicated to man through His words- Gen 1:28. It is through the words that Eve was duped to disobey God- Gen 3:1,4. It is by their speech that Adam and Eve tried to put the blame on someone else – Gen 3:12,13.

Speech is a wonderful gift given only to mankind. Animals and birds have their own way of communication to a limited sense. It is a very potential tool given to man. When men declared their own plan without God, He scatters them mainly by their words – Gen 11:4,7. The Book of Proverbs is full of verses that talk about the way we have to use our words.

Powerful Words: The words of Christ were not ordinary religious sermons – they were packed with the power of God – Matt 7:28,29. The words of the early Apostles brought in thousands to Christ – Acts 2:41; 4:4. The secret of the power of their words is not their education or training, but their relationship with Christ – Acts 4:13. Paul declares that Gospel with mere human words will not be effective – 1 Thes 1:5; Phil 1:13-18. The Bible ends with the unchangeable words in the “Book” – Rev 22:18,19.

The Kural: The famous Tamil poet Thiruvalluvar’s couplet says,
“ Yahavarayinum Naahaakka, Kavakkal, Sohappar Sollilukkup Pattu”
The meaning goes like this: Even if you do not control all other things, control your tongue. If you fail in this, you will get caught in your words and get in to real trouble. Yes, even if we lose our money or position, we can regain them. But, if we commit mistake in our words, the damage will be irreparable. So we have to have total control on our tongue.

Slow to Speak: A proverb compares the carelessly spoken words to milk that got spilt over the ground. Just like we will not be able to collect the spilt milk, we will not be able to get back the words which we speak. We have to think and talk. Not to think after we have talked. We are in a world of fast communication. We want to respond as soon as we get a sms or e mail. We may get some message that may hurt and irritate us. We like to give back by the same coin. We hurry to respond immediately. We do not think of the choice of words we use. But, later, we regret for the language we used in hurry. When we are emotionally disturbed, it will be ideal to draft your reply, store it and send it the next day after reading it again. Similarly you can write reply for a letter and post it the next day after reading it in an objective way. By this, we can avoid a lot of heart breaks.

Confess faith: We have to be careful about the confessions we make. If we always think and speak words of unbelief and hopelessness, it will have it’s effect on our lives and ministry. It is true, Job did not commit mistake by accusing God in his problems - Job 42:7. But, initially he thinks that his own fear and dread has resulted in these problems – Job 3:25. When the angel of God spoke strength to Daniel, immediately he was strengthened – Dan 10:19. By declaring Scripture based promises, we can inherit God’s blessings. “A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth, and from the produce of his lips he shall be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” – Proverbs 18:21,22.

Break the shackles: Our upbringing can have it’s influence on us. Parents use words like “Giant / madman /Police is coming. Eat fast”. As we grow, we learn to tell lies in the same fashion. Formal words are part of our eastern diplomacy. Even of we are hungry, if someone offers food, we will not immediately accept the offer. Only when the host compels, we accept to eat as if with hesitation, even though we are dying for food. A saying is that you can tell 1000 lies to get someone married!

But, as children of God, we have to break some of these traditional shackles. We have to be careful in the words we use to our children. We have to avoid unnecessary threats and explain to the children the consequences of doing wrong. We have a lot of jokes about the promises made by politicians during elections. We have to be careful about the Promises we make to children. Promises are not to be made without proper thinking. If we make a promise, we have to keep it at all cost. Our ‘Yes’ has to be ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ to be ‘No’ – Matt 5:37.

Let us think before we talk. Let us think twice before we click the mouse to “Send”. Let us think thrice before telling some hurting remarks about others. “Naahaakka” – ‘guard your tongue - ’is a wonderful slogan to help us to glorify God in the use of our tongue.

P.Jebaraj, UESI Church Relations Secretary, Chennai

God loves a cheerful giver!


God loves a cheerful giver!

Hope you are familiar with the following stories!

“There was a serious discussion among the currencies and coins inside the cash box. The 1000 and 500 rupees notes were proud that they will leave in the first week of the month to the jewelry and clothe shops and to pay the rent. The 100 rupees notes were glad that they will go to the grocery and vegetable shops. The 50s 20s and 10s were jumping that they will go to the autos and buses. Waiting patiently, the 50 paisa and 1 rupee coins finally asserted with pride that they will go on Sundays to God’s Churches as offerings!!!”

“A young man, say, John was struggling in his business. The Pastor advised him to give tithe from his income to God. One month he brought 50 rupees to the Pastor and said he got 500 rupees as profit. After few months he came with bright face and gave Rs. 500, saying the Lord blessed his business and he earned Rs. 5000 that month. After few months John came to the Pastor with a sad face. When the Pastor enquired, John said ‘Pastor, there is a problem. This month I got a profit of Rs. 50000”. The Pastor asked, ‘What is the problem?’ John replied, ‘How can I give Rs.5000 as tithe?’ The Pastor said, ‘We will pray’. John asked, ’For what?’ The Pastor replied calmly, ’Let us pray that your income should come down. When you earned a little, it was easy for you to give tithe. Now you find it difficult.’ John realized his mistake and offered his tithe with gladness.”

In many churches along with the offering song you hear nice(?) music of the coins dropping in to the offering boxes. Christians will justify saying that Lord Jesus appreciated the poor widow who gave only two coins. But they forget the fact that the widow gave all that she had! Luke 21:1-4. We live in the days when we hesitate to give coins even to the beggars. But we do not hesitate to give our children coins for Church offerings.

Giving tithe is a command of the Old Testament. Jesus said, we have to do more than the Scribes and Pharisees who were observing the Commandments – “I say to you that unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of Heaven” Matt 5:20. This also includes the area of giving. That means, tithe is the bare minimum for a Christian. When calculating the tithe also, let us give from the whole of the family income ( without the IT Deductions. PF Loans etc.!).

Giving to the Church we worship is very important. At the same time, it is also important to support the ministries involved in evangelism, discipling, missions, literature production etc. Each one of us has to pray and decide before God about the way we give.

As EU students, we have to start giving from our pocket money. Our Virudhunagar EU Senior Advisor Prof. SPR Ebenezer used to say in the 1970s, “From your 5 rupees pocket money if you do not learn to give 50 paisa for God’s ministry, you will never give 50 rupees when you earn 500 rupees.”

As EGF members and EU Staff, do we give regularly to the EU ministry? Our family practice and my suggestion (not an EU rule ! ? ! ) is, we, all the EGF members and staff can give at least 50% of the tithe of our undivided income to our EU ministries. If we do that, the word “Deficit” will not appear in our news letters.

Deficit can occur in our ministries because of three reasons: People who are supposed to give liberally have not given. Or the money given by God’s people sacrificially is not spent carefully. Or we do not trust God enough to meet all our needs.

Paul has devoted chapters on Christian giving – 1 Cor. 9:6-18; 2 Cor. 8 and 9; 11:8,9; Phil. 4:10-19. Paul says in the context of money matters, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” – Phil. 4:19. “God’s ministry done in God’s way will never lack God’s support” ! Let us learn to enjoy giving to God out of our gratitude to God for His love for us poured out by Christ at the Cross. We will see the way the Lord meeting all our needs in wonderful ways. Glory be to God.

P.Jebaraj is UESI Staff based at Chennai as Secretary for the Departments of Church Relations and Christian Ethics & Social Concerns.

Suffer for Christ or for Self?

Suffer for Christ or for Self?

“No Pain, No Gain, No Cross, No Crown”

Suffering by Choice:
The call of the Lord Jesus to His followers, is : “ If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” – Luke 9:23; Matt.- 16:24.
“If anyone desires” - Nothing is compulsory in God’s Kingdom! Accepting Christ in to your heart is a choice given to you – Rev.3:20 – “If anyone hears My voice and opens the door…” John 1:11, 12 – “He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him…” Similarly, we have to make a conscious and willful decision to follow the Lord Jesus.
“to come after Me” “Follow Me” – We don’t follow a religious Guru, a Leader or a Book. We follow Jesus Christ, God Who became Man. He is the author and finisher of our faith – Hebrews 12:1.

Causes for Christian Sufferings:
“let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” - Once you decide to follow Christ, carrying the cross is not an option. Suffering is very much part of Christian life. For what causes do we suffer? We suffer for
Christ, His Name – Matt. 5:11; 10:17,18,22; 24:9: Mark 13:9,13; Luke 6:22; 21:12,17
When we identify ourselves as Christians, we will face comments, criticisms, ridicule and other sufferings. A Christian engineer came back after working in a Muslim country. When asked whether he had any problem as a Christian, he said, “I did not have any problem. I was there for one year and even my boss did not know that I am a Christian” ! So, if you want to avoid problems, just do not show your identity before others!?!
Kingdom of God – Luke 18:29,30
We are a ‘Kingdom People’. Of course, our Kingdom is not of this world – John 18:36; 17:16. Therefore our values are different from that of this world. So, the natural world hates us – John 15:19. Do we show the Kingdom Values in our day today lives?
3. Righteousness – Matt.5:10; 1 Peter 2:19
Values of the world are marred in many ways. Corruption is in every rank of the society. Bribe, cheating, robbery, murder for money, addictions, illicit relationships, ‘law’ (?) permitted same sex relationships are those which fill the pages of our news papers and TV. In such a world, we as children of God are expected to walk righteously and teach righteous ways to the society around. When we compromise in these areas, we are in the good books of everybody. But, when we raise our voice against the evil practices of the society, we will face problems. Do we raise our voice in such situation or go in an indifferent way like the priest and the Levite? – Luke 10:31, 32
The Gospel – Matt.13:21; Mark 8:35
“Jesus is one of the ways” and “All roads leads to Rome” are good news for most of the religious people of the world. This is considered as broad mindedness! But, when you say that Jesus is the Way, problem starts. The fact is, there is no other name given under heaven by which we can be saved, except that of Jesus Christ – Acts 4:12. If we share this real Good News to our class mates, neighbors, colleagues, and relatives, we may lose their friendship and relationships. . That is why many of us do not share the Gospel with others. We have to follow the example of Paul who was not afraid of these problems - 2 Tim 1:8 – 12; 2:9

Wrong Sufferings:
All sufferings a Christian undergoes need not be part of his /her cross. As students, your first and foremost responsibility is to study. If you spend all your time in religious meetings and sending ‘spiritual’ sms and chats and neglect your studies, fail or getting low grades will be the result. You cannot call this as your ‘cross’.
We have to do our job properly and excel in our profession in this competitive world, Joseph, Nehemiah and Daniel were high profile administrative officers in foreign countries. They were excelling in their jobs and were witnesses for the Lord. His colleagues were not able to find any fault in Daniel’s profession – Dan 6:4, 5. If we are slack in our God – given job and use the office time for evangelization, we will lose our promotions and increments. This is not suffering for Christ.
If you don’t eat in time, no discipline in sleep and not caring for your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, you will get sickness. Unwise spending (parties? credit cards?) will lead to poverty. This is not paying the cost as a disciple. Peter categorically says that we have to suffer as Christians, not for our wrong deeds or getting in to other people’s affairs – 1 Peter 2:19, 20; 4:15.

Attitudes during Christian Sufferings:
Christ said we have to consider the sufferings as blessed and rejoice – Matt 5:10-12; 1 Cor 8:2.
We have to bless those who persecute us – Rom. 12:14 and overcome evil with good – Rom. 12:21.
The Apostles were beaten up for the Gospel. They did not come to the Church, crying that they got beaten up. They rather “rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His Name” - Acts 5:41, 42; Phil 1:29.

After beaten black and blue and got their feet in the stocks in the prison, Paul and Silas were not complaining why on earth they listened to the ‘Macedonian Call’ and came to Philippi. “But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God” - Acts 16:25. What a time and situation to have your “Praise and Worship” ! Paul says, we are appointed for sufferings - 1 Thes 3:3.

Paul knows full well what is in store for him,”the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that chains and tribulations await me”. He declares, “But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.” - Acts 20:23, 24. Giving a long list of his sufferings, Paul says his concern for Churches is more than all that – 1 Cor. 11:23-28.

Rewards for Sufferings:
When we suffer with Christ, we will be glorified with Him - Rom 8:17, 18.
We will be more than conquerors – Rom. 8:35-37
We get comforted by God in our sufferings that enable us to comfort others - 2 Cor 1:4-7
By sufferings, the life of Jesus is manifested in our body 1 Cor. 4:8-10
By our “light affliction, we get renewed in the inner man and get “far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” – 1 Cor. 4: 16, 17
Let us not spiritualize the problems we face by our failures, as suffering for Christ. Let us suffer for Christ, Kingdom Values, Righteousness and the Gospel. If so, we will not murmur or complain. We will rejoice and consider it a privilege to suffer for Christ.

P.Jebaraj is Secretary for Church Relations & Social Concerns Departments, UESI, Chennai.

Till Now….Another Opportunity!?!

Till Now….Another Opportunity!?!
As we enter the last month in this year, we may express our feelings and experiences in the following ways. It will help you to have an Evaluation about the way you spent the last eleven months. Please go through this with an open mind:
“Oh, the Christmas month has come. Jolly!”
”Oh My, What to do for Christmas expenses?”
“ Hooray! Another New year is coming!”
“One year closer to my grave??”
“Oh, God is good in all these 11 months!”
“Oh, already 11 months has gone in this year!”
“Hi, I have completed one semester / term this academic year!”
“I failed this time also. I have to try again in March!”
“ I made progress in my career and climbing the ladder”
“ I am not able to achieve the targets and I am afraid, I may lose my job”
“I am happy about the time I spent with God in prayer and Bible meditation all these 11 months”
“ Most of the days I had hurried mechanical devotions and I feel very dry in my spirit”
“I have grown closer to God this year”
“ I am afraid, I am drifting away from God”
“God has given me good health all these 11 months.”
“ This year was full of sickness and I am losing my strength day by day.”
“I am happy about all the opportunities I have used these 11 months to witness to God’s love”
“Hardly I did anything for the Lord these 11 months”
“I enjoy my time with my spouse and children. We enjoy God’s love and joy”
“ I hardly had a relaxed evening with my family. I feel guilty for this mechanical busy life”
“Oh, we enjoy our Family Prayer. It is like heaven on earth”
“ We are too busy to sit together for Prayer. Much time is gone in TV serials / cricket shows”
“This year we have increased our giving for God. We enjoy giving to God and He meets our needs.”
“We struggled each month to meet both ends. Where is the money to give for God?”
“I was able to win few souls this year. Wonderful!”
“ I have missed all opportunities for witnessing”
Add on ……

I encourage you to read Psalm 90. You know who wrote this? Not David, but it is a Prayer of Moses, the man of God! It takes less than one minute to read this psalm once. I finished reading it in 58 seconds. But, read it again and again and underline the words that denote time and day. In 17 verses I noted 20 words that mention about time! Let us consider few thoughts from this Psalm.
The Psalm talks about the eternal being of God contrary to the fragility of man’s life which melts away by his failures. “we finish our years with a moan / like a sigh” – v 9. A wonderful prayer is made here: “ Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom” – v 12. Are we conscious about the worth of each day? Money and other resources will stay on unless you spend them. But, the hours and days will slip away through you whether you are using them or not. They will never come back. The November 2009 will never again occur in history. “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!”
We’ve to begin each day with a quality time with God in prayer and meditation of His Words. Pray, visualizing and making a run through of all your commitments, duties and all the situations you will face and all the communications you’ll make – by conversation, sms, mobile, e mails, chats etc. Ask the Lord to be with us in all these. We can see the presence of the Lord leading us throughout the day. We can present all our spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental needs to God in the morning. We will see the Jehovahjireh meeting all our needs. That is what the Psalmist prays: “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days” – v14.
In this twelfth month also we can request the Lord to give us the opportunities which we have lost in the past 11 months. Lord can help us to get over our past failures and hurts- “ Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, for as many years we have seen trouble” – v 15. The last 2 verses talk about the Lord revealing His deeds and splendor and ask Him to bless the hand work of all of us. We need His blessings in our studies, work and in all our relationships.
The life of Jesus on earth was not a “take it as it comes” style. It was a planned one. The chain which talks about “my time” in John is an example for this – John 2:4; 7:6; 12:23,27; 13:1; 16:32; 17:17:1. Planning is important, but it has to be God-centered. Mere human plan by trust on the own efforts will be futile – Luke 12:19-21; James 4:13-15.Let us close with the words of Paul who lived his life to the full extent for the glory of God: “Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” Ephesians 5:15,16.

P.Jebaraj is Secretary for UESI Church Relations and Christian Ethics & Social Concerns Departments based in Chennai.

என் உள்ளம்

நீ சிணுங்கும் போது நான் அழுகிறேன்நீ அழும் போது நான் குமுறுகிறேன் நீ குமுறும் போது நான் புலம்புகிறேன்நீ புலம்பும் போது நான் ஓலமிடுகிறேன்உன் காலில் வலியா? என் இதயம் நோகிறது.உனக்கு தனிமை உணர்வா? நான் இருக்கிறேன்உனக்கு பாவ உணர்வா ? நான் மன்னிக்கிறேன் உன்னில் பலவீனமா? நான் பெலம் தருவேன்
உன்னை நேசித்து உனக்காக சிலுவையில் உயிர் விட்டு உயிர்தெழுந்த இயேசு கிறிஸ்து