Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Kalangina Campuses – Kalakkalama?

Kalangina Campuses – Kalakkalama?

God has called us to minister to the students in the campuses. Many times we tend to be judgmental when we look at the students in their outward forms or their habits. But, we have to realize the huge ice berg below their outward look which has made them as they are now.

“Just a puff!” “Just a sip!” “Just a prick!” “Just a click!” “Just a pick!”

These are familiar words heard in the college campuses, especially at the beginning of the academic year. During ragging, these words echo often.

“Just a puff” – that is how smoking is introduced to the “fresher”! Curiosity is a cause for many students to try that “first puff”. Some have seen perhaps his father smoking at home. They have marveled at some young men smoke in style in public (thanks to the present rule, it is on the decrease in public). The hero smoking at the climax scene comes to their mind. Or compulsion by seniors can be a cause for few. The free offer of the first cigarette can be a bite for some. “Try to be equal with the guys, dee” can pull some girls to try that. Of course, the first puff may not be a thrill or a smooth one. You cough; have an ugly nauseating feeling etc. But, it does not end with the “First puff”. It goes on and on and the guy or the girl soon engulfs in smoke.

“Just a sip” sounds very friendly and inviting. “Bottles” and “sachets” have their free move in the campuses. When you feel lonely, home sick and depressed by being in the hostel for the first time, that friend comes and offers that drink. You just want to try only one sip. The Tamil proverb says, “Kalavum katru mara” – You learn even robbery and then forget it. So, you just want to try that one sip. It is not that good as you expected. It burns your throat and you do not cherish that odd smell. Yet, you go on for the next sip. Soon it becomes “a quarter at least a day”. Parties become non charming without the bottles around.

“Just a prick” – you shudder at those words at first. You quickly react, “Drugs? No, not for me. That is deadly. “. But, your friend is a cool guy. He smiles at you and says, “Be a man, da. This will take you to skies. You will be flying high, away from all your worries!” That makes you to stretch your hand for that first prick. It pains a little. But, soon, soon you are “there”! You like that feeling of “take off”. Once you come back to reality, you like to go again in that “trip”.

“Just a click” – www is called World Wide Web! Like a spider web, it attracts and ensnares minds with all kinds of ugly shows. Inter Net is a very good tool with a world of good materials. But it also has a chunk of porn stuff that engulfs young and old. Lap tops in the campuses and cheap browsing centers come handy for the students.

Smoking, drinking, drugs and pornography are common evil habits which the students get introduced during the first few weeks of the college life (if they have missed it during the school days!). It starts as fun or part of the ragging ordeal. Soon it becomes part of the person. Just at that time each day, your body craves for “it”. You are not able to live without it. Initial offers came freely – your friend buying for you that cigarette, drink or drug. Soon all the free offers get over. By this time you come to a condition where you can not live without it.

“Just a pick! “
The money meant for books and fees become the prey. When that is over, you go to the extreme or “borrow, beg or steal” culture. By any means, you need that stuff at that time. So, you borrow or beg from known friends and even from unknown guys. When that list of lenders get over, that purse in the friend’s table attracts you. “Just pick it man, nobody is around” - a voice suggests to you.
First you think, “No. Me stealing? Never!” But, when that time approaches and you do not have money for that “stuff”, you break all your values. Money from the room mates disappears often and that feeds you with that “stuff”!
Attending classes become meaningless soon. You want to go to the “heights” often. Even if you sit in the class, nothing seems to go in to your head. Your mind is only thinking about the next session due for your “flight”. Once you were bright in your studies. Now, slowly you bunk the classes and even the exams because you have not studied anything. The list of arrears keeps growing. When your dad enquires about studies you shout at him. You look at him only as that T shirt says,
”My dad is my ATM!”
All this leads to drop out from college and a purposeless life. It is not at all easy for any one who has gone thus far to become normal again. All his own efforts will end in defeat and depression. Even when some one tries sincerely to get away from these dangerous habits, the withdrawal symptoms are very bad and so, many times they prefer to go back. But, there is hope in one guy from that little village. Yes, it is that young man who did his carpenter trade - “Jesus”. His name means,” He shall save His people from their sins”.
What ever is the condition – a chain smoker, sold out drunkard, drug addict, and porn addict – if the person comes to Christ Jesus with an open mind, He will deliver the person from these clutches and help the person to come back to a normal and healthy life. There are thousands of testimonies for this fact. “If the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed”. Let us take pain to relate to these students in the campuses and bring them to the fold of Christ with patience and love.
We have to befriend such students and lead them to deliverance from these bondages. Instead of judging and condemning them, we have to give a concerned listening and loving care. We have to pray for these dear ones to be delivered from the bondages of the evil one. John 4:4 says, “The One who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world”. Lord has raised you and me to go and win these students with the love of Christ. Another academic year is dawning. Shall we mend our nets and go where the fish is available for a ‘big catch’ for Christ?

P.Jebaraj is UESI Staff based in Chennai as Training Secretary
and South India Zonal Secretary.

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