Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Looking Back?

Looking Back?
Please read Luke 9:57 - 62

Every child of God is called to be a Witness for Christ, in spite of his job and location. Bro. Zac Poonan tells in his book, "Finding God's Will", if the Lord has called you for full time ministry and you are doing secular service, you are missing God's will. Similarly, when the Lord wants you to be a witness in a secular service or business in the society, you are missing God's will if you are found in the full time ministry. God's plan for each individual is important - whether it is full time ministry or doing some other service and getting involved in God's ministry in various capacities.

The Lord's plan for some is to go for "full time ministry". When the Lord reveals His will to the individuals, they have to respond positively. But the Lord will not force His will on us. "There is nothing that is compulsory in God's Kingdom". The choice is given. With obedience comes the promised blessings and with each wilful disobedience comes the problems. To mention a few choices the Lord gives us:
“Choose you this day whom you will serve” – Joshua 24:15
“If any man opens the door ..." Rev.3: 20
"If any man likes to follow me ..." Luke 9:23

When the Lord calls some one for full time ministry, that person has the liberty to obey or not. Many times, after getting the call of God clearly, we try to bend it to suit our own situations. We search for comfortable, calculated and spiritualised excuses. I like to share few real events here:

1. "After burying my father..." – Luke 9:59 The Lord has used Late Mr. Victor Manoharam, YFC Director as a blessing to thousands around the world. When he was called for God's ministry, he said, 'Lord, my father is very sick. He may die soon. After his death, I will come for your ministry'. But, the Lord's voice was very clear to Mr. Manoharam and he came for ministry. After that, his father was alive for 18 years! If he has waited, all his powerful ministry years would have gone rusted. Obeying the voice of God is better than looking at the situations.

2. "Failed B.A." – Exodus 3:10 As an enthusiastic 2nd B.A. student and an active committee member of Virudhunagar EU, P.Jebaraj was very sure that the Lord has called him for His ministry. But, there were practical problems. He was the only son to his poor parents who struggled hard to educate him. It was natural for them to expect him to earn after his graduation. But, he was so sure that he has to go for ministry. So, in his innocence he prayed that if he fails in his B.A., it would be easier for him to get permission from his parents to go for ministry. But, thank God, the Lord enabled Jebaraj to pass his M.A. and then come for His ministry. His friend Sam C. Samuel, Director, IEHC commented to him,
“The Lord wants not only failed B.A.s, but also passed M.A.s for His ministry".

3. "Five year Plans" - As Jebaraj’s parents spent a lot for his studies, they had some financial commitments. So, he was telling God that he would go for secular service for 5 years, earn, help his parents and then go for ministry. During that time, he attended a FMPB Conference. A missionary lady, during her testimony, said, "Like our Government, there are people who are having "Five Year Plans" to go out for ministry". It was like a hammer hit on his head from the Lord. Jebaraj said, “Lord, I will come now". Later, when he was sharing this with Bro. Prakash Yesuadian, he commented," Thambi, many people with full time calling who went like that in to secular service for short period never came for ministry after that."

4. "Loosing the VRS Benefits?" - While working as a Professor, Mr. Asir felt the call of God's ministry. He had 18 years of service. Just 2 more years and he will be eligible to get the VRS benefits. That sounds good and sensible. But, the Lord spoke to him and his wife forcefully. They prayed and as a family decided that Asir will resign his job and come for ministry. Many people, including nice children of God, called his move as unwise. But, the Lord is taking care of them and uses him in the ministry. There is nothing wrong in planning to avail the legitimate and eligible benefits. But, more important is the time you can invest to build God's Kingdom “- 2 Kings 5:27.” The Master Who employs you will take care of you."

5. "Job Security?" - Rajesh was comfortably employed with the Indian Railways, posted at Delhi. As an EGF member, he was active with local EU ministry. The Lord called Rajesh for full time ministry. He said, 'Lord, I am in Central Government confirmed job which is a secured one. How can I leave this and come for ministry where things are very uncertain?’ On 31 October 1984, he was travelling to his office. His bus that has to go through Sabdurjung Road was diverted by another road. The reason was, Mrs. Indira Gandhi whose house was in that road was shot dead. In that DTC bus, the Lord spoke to Rajesh," The Prime Minister of this country has no security in her own home from her own security guards. Do you trust this Government more than Me? ". Rajesh resigned his job and happily came for the ministry.

Are you sure of God's calling for His ministry? Step out in faith. The Lord will take care of you and will use you as a channel to bless the nations.

PJebaraj is the UESI South India Zonal Secretary based at Chennai. pjebarajuesi@hotmail.com

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